
I really found the way Shelley Moore compared teaching to bowling to be not only really helpful as an analogy but also made it a lot easier for me to see a better way to structure a classroom or method of teaching. It was really interesting for me to see how she talked about both people who struggle or, people who aren’t challenged enough. I never really thought about that as being a problem. Putting options in, or teaching from one side and then increasing the difficulty to reach all of the people you are teaching, would make for a more comfortable classroom, and give more opportunities for the students. I hadn’t thought about it that way, but it makes a lot of sense!


As I mentioned above, I never really thought about how to teach someone who doesn’t need a lot of guidance, or who finds the material too easy. I suppose that someone like that would be a big asset to anyone else’s PLN because they would be able to provide support in the classroom, but I suppose they would then be limited themselves because their PLN would consist of helping others. I wonder what a good way to balance their PLN would be, without removing them from the environment they have already become accustomed to or bonded with.

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